We are happy, proud and relieved to announce that the construction of the Sister Marie Laurence School is up for bidding by the NRPB!

Weeks after the passing of hurricane Irma (2017) we pledged to assist with the reconstruction of the schools of St. Maarten. Back in 1995 after hurricane Luis, we were also part of the reconstruction. At that time we designed the Sister Borgia School. Back than we delivered the new school just over 2 years after the passing of Luis.

Unfortunately now it has taken much longer and we will have a whole generation of children that have never gone to their own school. We as parents, advisers and government officials should question ourselves: why did it take so long… But non the less we are filled with joy because of this next milestone!

The schools in St. Maarten have a positive contribution towards social infrastructure and social sustainability of the neighbourhood. They are more than just educational buildings; they also represent central meeting points and are catalyst of higher quality of life in the Antillean districts.

Our design for the new hurricane proof building has an ample program for a small plot, making multiple use of the ground a must to be able to create enough open space for the children to play. It ensures a sustainable environment, where enough light alternated with shadow, greenery and hurricane proof elements are carefully considered while adding balance to the urban fabric.