Many vulnerable neighborhoods are on the eve of a major restructuring task. These are often neighborhoods with great cultural diversity. How do you ensure inclusive neighborhoods? How do you make a home for everyone by redesigning the living environment? Lyongo Juliana will answer these questions during the Platform31 webinar on October 31.

In order to offer everyone affordable housing, there needs to be a lot of construction going on. But also transformed, renewed and densified. This represents a major challenge for super-diverse neighborhoods. The composition of the neighborhood has implications for the design of the neighborhood. In addition, it is difficult to determine how best to involve all residents.

Platform31 is therefore organizing a free webinar in which they investigate how restructuring can contribute to pleasant living together and feeling at home in a neighborhood. Lyongo is one of the speakers. He has done a lot of research into inclusive design. He shares his experiences and views on this subject.

The aim of the session is to jointly gain a better understanding of the super-diverse neighborhood. We do this by zooming in on restructuring operations and urban (re)design. Interesting for anyone who is concerned with social and/or physical tasks in vulnerable neighborhoods.

More information about the program on the website of Platform31.