Last week Lyongo gave a presentation about cities for the future at Museon-Omniversum. He talked about the importance of social inclusion and what to pay attention to when designing a city where everyone feels at home.

The lecture was part of the program ‘Stad van de Toekomst’ or Cities of the future. In this program Museon-Omniversum gave young talents a platform to make a future city in Minecraft. As future designers, children and young people are concerned with topics such as climate change, inclusivity and mobility. While building in Minecraft, they are given challenges such as: How do we deal with more and more rain, drought and the threat of flooding? How do we build a city that leaves no one out? And how do we ensure that everything is accessible? Lyongo provided input for the social design assignment during his presentation. The results will be shared and presented at the end of October.

H20 esports & gaming campus and Museon-Omniversum work on this autumn program, in which visitors get to work as designers for a sustainable future. As from 7 October visitors can also contribute to designing the city of the future.

Check out the acvitities for the Minecraft cities on the website of Museon-Omniversum.