We’re happy to give you a quick update from the construction site of the Laboratory in Willemstad!

It has already been 8 months since ADC commenced construction on the new main building in Otrobanda. The ground floor and the first parts of the second floor are being poured. Right now you start to see the contour of the building.

About the design

In collaboration with OeverZaaijerLyongo we designed a state-of-the-art laboratory, which also seeks connection with the historic architecture of Otrobanda. The new laboratory has a footprint of 1700 m2 but from the outside the building is perceived as much smaller. This is achieved by the perception that the building consists of different building volumes. This is reinforced by alternating the colors of the volumes.

In addition, the facade has a contemporary horizontal and vertical division of the surface, which creates a finer rhythm. Due to these different rhythms, the building adapts to the small scale of the buildings to the north of the project but it also serves as a wall around the square together with the new hospital and St. Thomas College.

Sustainability is important in this project. It starts with reducing the heat load. The roofs and facades are insulated, in addition, the facade openings are protected by sun blinds, which reduces direct sunlight to a maximum of 2 hours.

We also collect the water on the roofs and the condensation water from the air conditioners and reuse it to spray the greenery and flush the toilets. For us, sustainability goes further than just reducing energy consumption. We want make buildings in which people enjoy working, you could call that social sustainability.

We anticipate that the new building will be completed in 2025.

More about our design on our website!

Promo video

Last week ADC Analytisch Diagnostisch Centrum shared this video of the construction of the Laboratory.