Museon-Omniversum in Den Haag presents: One Planet Talk about Minecraft cities and Cities of the Future…

Join the One Planet Talk on September 21 in Museon! Three urban development leaders express their wish for the City of the Future and discuss themes such as inclusive design, mobility and climate adaptation. Lyongo Juliana is one of the speakers.

Lyongo wishes for a sustainable city of the future for everyone. In 2020 he started to investigate the degree of diversity and inclusiveness of urban architecture and concluded that we should pay more attention to the end user, regardless of ethnicity.

Together with Joyce Zwartkruis-Alferink (researcher green living environment, Wageningen University) and Joost van der Made (director of Transport Services, Capgemini Invent) they share their views and react on how we can inspire the young generation about urban design with Minecraft. In collaboration with H20 Esports Campus – Rabo Esports Stadium Amsterdam Museon will research the possibilities with Minecraft this fall.

After the Talk on September 21, you will get a sneak preview of the first contours of the City of the Future in the Dome, which our Minecraft experts are building. What is it like to design and build the City of the Future yourself? What challenges are there? What fun and creative solutions do the Minecraft experts come up with? It is the start of a period in which visitors stand at the drawing board and get to work – digitally and physically – as (new) designers.

This Talk is also the festive opening of the new theme period of Museon-Omniversum: “Wanted: Future Designers”. The goal is to inspire and activate future generations in the field of sustainable development. That is why young people are very welcome at the lecture!

More about this lecture and tickets on the website of Museon.