Zuidoost City is organizing a masterclass for their partners on 30 March about inclusive buildings. Lyongo Juliana is speaker at the event.

In the masterclass ‘Inclusive design; beyond your blind spot’ we take a closer look at inclusive cities and buildings. Existing and new homes, shops, business and residential areas where everyone feels at home. Regardless of age, gender or background. And how can we allow inclusive design and technology to play a role in this?

Lyongo Juliana takes you along in his vision on the inclusive design of buildings and living spaces. Lyongo sees architecture and urban planning as spatial solutions to social issues, in which inclusive places do not just arise. You really have to immerse yourself in people and take as many perspectives as possible with you. How do you do this and what does this mean for the design?

More info about their masterclass on the website of Zuidoost City!